Pro4K 2L UltraGloss Build Trays
This is the 2 Liter capacity UltraGLOSS build tray (tank, vat), for the new Asiga Pro4K 3D Printer. The film in these trays is frosted to slightly diffuse the light at the focal point. This smooths out the surface of your parts and greatly reduces build lines by creating what is called a "slump" layer or smoothing effect. This tray was designed for printing night guards and direct aligners for the dental industry but it will also work well for large organic shapes related to gaming figurines and large artistic pieces or smooth parts for direct printed molds and similar.
With the UltraGloss Trays, you really need to update to the latest firmware and software. The RFID tag on these trays will indicate to the machine to increase the exposure time to compensate for the frosted film.
All the Pro4K trays have the same dimensions and are made of the same materials. The difference in the trays is the read/write RIFD tags on each tray that determines the volume of material that can be built with the particular tray.
People that use small volumes over a longer period will find a value in these lower cost trays. If you are building large volume parts or a high quantity of parts per build, you may want to consider a tray with a higher capacity to take advantage of the more efficient value of the higher volume use trays.